Graphic designer / Programmer

Tiled Project

Tiled Artworks

I pixelated an input image using a monochromatic pallet consisting of 50 tiles. The 50 tiles range from all-white to all-black, and are made of two shades: Black and white.
When representing a darker image, a tile becomes occupied by black pixels, eventually making the tile entirely black. The input image is translated to 50 values of brightness. Each brightness step is assigned a tile.
I designed the individual tiles considering symmetry and patterns.

David Michelangelo



The colored images created in the same manner. Each channel of the image (Red,Green,Blue) went through the same process, normalized to 50 shades of brightness and tiled.

The Great wave of kanagaw Hokusai

The Great wave of kanagaw

The Starry Night Vincent Van Gogh

The Starry Night
Vincent Van Gogh